Saturday, June 25, 2022

So Homesick

 I am so homesick for other states I have lived in my eyeballs could explode. If gas was not around 5 dollars I would be on a road trip to visit school friends from the south in two seconds. I really hate feeling trapped in Virginia.


Jokes on the Ban

 It is important to note the abortion ban is about hurting women of fertility age financially. They are not planning free childcare, healthcare, and increased child support for the extra children born. These jokes poke fun at a serious point that I know well as a single mom. If men could give birth free birth control would be on the bottom of every street corner’s stop light.



Monday, June 20, 2022

Top Ten

These are some of the pictures from my top ten list of teacher work photos from the last week of school before Summer Break. I am always impressed by the quality of pictures on my neighbor teacher's walls. 

Headphone Memories

This was true of me with headphones as a kid. Also I had this album on cassette. 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Star Wars Games

I was playing Star Wars card games with Alexandria at the house, but Bootsie and Bella dog's cute looks were the real star. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

The Pets

When people take seeing eye pets on Lyft rides. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Stuff is Over

I am so glad this stuff is over. After hearing all the mess my take is someone else hurt Depp’s wife and she is taking her anger out on Depp. In addition you don’t date Depp if you want someone super-normal in your life anyway, he was wild when she met him. She got caught doing fraud on the stand as well so it is hard to trust her take on things. It is good to have it all over at last, and very odd that it took place in Virginia to boot. It does show that my theory that something hate-filled and nightmarish really is going on in Virginia daily is not far-fetched.
