Tuesday, December 29, 2020

New Podcast Up


A review of the famous Getting Out of Debt by bestselling author and accountant Michael Steven. This is a G rated book. 




Tuesday, December 15, 2020

New Podcast Post Up


A review of the famous Steven King book form writing class called "On Writing" a great book for story and class information. PG13 rated book. https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-2fx5i-f52851

Video post: https://youtu.be/-rlQeagKvUY 




Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 Book Review Links for Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets from FH7 Publishing Book Reviews 

For The Holidays FH7 Publishing is re-reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book 2 of the ultra-popular books. This book is PG13 rated.

Video Podcast https://youtu.be/U7VHk289yZw

Here as an audio podcast: https://fh7publishing.podbean.com/




Monday, November 2, 2020

2020 Hackers

My mom’s computer got hacked today, and people from China tried to steal thousands from her! Not high fashion good guy hackers like in the movies.

We updated and upgraded our virus protections, and changed the passwords. 15 tablets were hacking her as the Internet people checked at 3 P.M. (Yes the hacking detection worker did say many of the tablets were from China.) Everyone should as this pandemic has the thieves really looking for victims!

2020 is always surprising me with just how much one year can suck. 

2020 Halloween

 Mandatory Filter Free Halloween selfie in my favorite gypsy witch Halloween costume. Too bad sooooo many things closed and cancelled super early. They even cancelled the downtown Halloween parade. I was wishing Halloween would be the one shining bright spot in 2020. That dream was crushed by the nightmare that is 2020. Oh well it won’t be forever I have to keep telling myself.

2020 Halloween was sucky particularly since in 2018 and 2019 I had epic great times on Halloween. Then I decided to at least try to look on the bright side.
I was watching Halloween Elvira movies on Roku when I thought “Hey I HAVE boobs too!”

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Episode 8 Season 3 - Review Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

 Episode 8 Season 3 – Review Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This book is PG13 in rating. 


Episode I Season 3 – Review Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. This book is PG13 in rating. 




Saturday, September 12, 2020

Alexandria 2020


Alexandria my daughter moved her last things to University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg today. We wished her good luck! Being a single mother has been rough, but today it was worth it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Interview with Steve Sept 2020

Originally published September 7, 2020 by Writer Andrea Menzies

Donate to the Elysium Go Fund Me page here: https://gf.me/u/yw5dvi

I recently traveled by airplane mid-pandemic to see old friends in Austin, Texas. I managed to run into several artist friends, and interviewed them about their latest projects. Steve Hall was one of the friends I talked to when visiting. Steve also let me take a new selfie with him, and I was happy about this as I had dropped ten pounds since I took the last one with him. I was lucky to run into so many people as the dramatic conditions of the pandemic have increased difficulty in communicating all over the world.

Steve is known by many names. He goes by Steve Hall -O- Ween, DJ Prophet, and just good old Steve. Steve’s job has him working from home these days, but he is still being very productive. His creativity’s productivity has not suffered as well. He has been hosting many online streaming events for friends near and far away. Haven online was his latest project for the Elysium restaurant and music venue in Austin. This regular online DJ event is one of the more popular ones on Twitch TV. Twitch seems to have become a favorite DJ method in the pandemic perhaps due to it’s many connections to the popular Patreon.com funding platform.  Tune in to https://www.twitch.tv/elysiumhaven to check out the stream. Unfortunately ironically I was flying back to Richmond, Virginia that night, and missed the Void guest DJ set, but I will be sure to catch the future streams. I miss Austin, Texas badly, but planes, trains, and RV van trips are sure to keep me visiting the live music capitol of the world often. 

“Tonight! Join us again for more mayhem!” Said Steve Hall promoting the DJ stream. 

For links to future events check out: https://www.facebook.com/steve.prophet.hall/about

Interview with Eddie Sept 2020


Originally published September 7th of 2020 by writer Andrea Menzies.

I interviewed screenwriter and guitarist Eddie Santiago about his latest movie project while in Austin, Texas this week. I flew to Texas to see old friends, and I was lucky to run into so many mid-pandemic.

Eddie showed off his latest two guitar purchases before the interview. He considers writing his greatest creative outlet, but has always liked using guitars in addition. 

“Practicing on the Rocksmith Remastered video game to learn guitar relaxes me.” Eddie said practicing with his latest guitar buy. This game is available on PC as well as PS4 Eddie plays on. https://rocksmith.ubisoft.com/rocksmith/en-us/home/ Eddie and I both met as we were both working at World of Warcraft’s Blizzard customer support. We both have Nintendo switch lite game players, and play many video games. Him playing another video game that day as I interviewed him did not surprise me. 

“What is your full name?” I asked him as I noticed Eddie may have been a nickname.

“Edward Santiago.” He said with a smile. 

“What is your favorite art to make and perform?” I then asked.

“I like guitar, but I have won the most awards in writing.” Eddie said.

“What first got you interested in music and books when you were a kid?” Due to this interview being for a book review podcast called “FH7 Book Reviews” on Podbean I tend to like to turn the conversation to book interests. 

“My father used to own a video rental store, and I would love to watch a lot of movies when I was a kid. That started my love of fiction in stories.” Eddie said. 

“How have books of fiction and science fiction had an impact on your art?” I asked next. 

“Fiction is one of my favorite formats to write in. One of my most loved fiction stories is of teddy bears fighting monsters in a child’s room.” Eddie said. 

“Do you like Science Fiction or Medieval Style fantasy better?” I then asked. 

“That is a good question. In my writing I like to take a more Medieval Style fiction approach.” Eddie then said. 

“What is the most important message you would like to leave with fans of your work with on the Internet?” I asked.

“Be open to new cultures and new ideas in your life.” Eddie said.

At the end of my interviews I usually like to ask people if they have any sales URLs they want me to post Eddie does not have any sales URLs on the in a traditional sense. He just asks that people go to see the movies he has written on Facebook. Movie promoters do the sales work for him in post-production. His latest movie in production has been delayed due to the pandemic crisis. Production will continue next year after the quarantine eases production restrictions. 

For more information on Eddie’s latest project checkout Facebook.com/Edward.Santiago.writer for more information.

Elysium Go Fund Me


Originally published September 9th of 2020 by Andrea Menzies.

Donate to the Elysium Club Austin Go Fund Me here: https://gf.me/u/yw5dvi

When I lived in Austin, Texas I went to the iconic restaurants, taverns, and dance clubs in the 6th Street Red River downtown district. Due to the pandemic many of the restaurants like the famous Elysium are in big financial trouble. Recently John Wickham of Elysium started a Gofundme, and released interview statements on the Gofundme donation requests.

“It is the oldest longest-running venue in the Red River District.” Said John Wickham.

I am a live music fan like so many people from Austin, and plan to donate soon to the program.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

New Podcast Up


Episode 4 Season 3 of FH7 Publishing Book Reviews episode for the book Grimm’s Grimmest. This book is rated PG13 for audiences of that restriction. 




 I can’t wait to visit Texas on Friday to see my Instagram party friends. Texas is for all your wizard blood needs. I will be using masks, hand sanitizer, and social distancing so it will not be THAT wild.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Active Shooting at District 5

I was in an Active Shooting at District 5 dance club last night where I was Uber driving people home! I was right next to the shooting! It was 15 feet away from my face! I saw the light of the gun muzzle fire as he shot many times into a large crowd! I did not get hit and my van is okay as well! I did not know my little van could peel-out that fast! I said “screw whoever needs a ride!” As I drove away at break-neck speed!
From my Facebook Post about this issue:
Andrea E. Menzies This is why I don’t Uber drive more in the pandemic. The germs are bad but the crazy people are worse!
Allan McNeill OMG..,stay safe Andrea…that’s a dangerous business…hats off to a working girl
Christopher Gerken Eep. I am glad you are safe.
Andrea E. Menzies Thanks, I wanted to tell people that know I work in that area that I am not one of the people killed.
Christopher Gerken Andrea E. Menzies that is a proper and kind.
Jackie Bishop Wells Jesus. Was it inside the club or outside?
Andrea E. Menzies In the parking lot outside the club. There was a long line outside the club to get inside it was next to the line. I was so busy driving away once I saw the bullets and heard screaming I did not stay long to see if he went inside.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Back-Dated Episodes

Back-Dated episodes are now available at Podbean.com for Salem Possessed, and How to be and Antiracist by Kendi. Episodes are in both premium and public download formats. Download yours today!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Alexandria's Graduation Day Videos 2020

Alexandria’s Graduation Day Videos 2020. My daughter Alexandria graduated High School on Tuesday of this week in 2020. Despite the pandemic and riots of this year the walk across the stage and dinner party at the outside patios of Mellow Mushroom went well! I gave her many graduation gifts including an MP3 player and music box.



Thursday, April 30, 2020

New Podcast

This book is great for taking away quarantine frustration.
Full title In the Wake of the Plague, The Black Death and the World It Made by Norman F. Cantor a look at the world of pandemic from many ages. Rated PG13

More Information at FH7publishing.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

New Post

A review of the book “Bowie Loving the Alien” a rock biography of the famous man David Bowie. This book is G to PG rated for audiences of that restriction level.
I highly recommend this book for relieving quarantine boredom.
Episode 6 of Season 2 – Review Bowie Loving the Alien
More information at FH7publishing.com
Sales at FH7publishing.com

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

New Post

Episode 2 Season 2 – Review How to Show and Sell Your Crafts. G rated book.
A really great book for learning any kind of online sales.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Audio Fixed

Broken episode fixed. Last week’s computer problems are fixed, and the “back next week” audio is now replaced with full audio. Thank you for your patience as computer repair can be tricky. Please enjoy the new audio at https://fh7publishing.podbean.com/
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve our publishing. Your generous donation will fund our mission to help advancing literacy, make more books, and podcasts. Paypal Donate Here: https://www.paypal.me/FH7publishing

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

New Post

The Tuesday Episode is Up at https://fh7publishing.podbean.com/ for FH7 Publishing Book Reviews check it out!

Podcast Outline Notes:

Episode 9 Season 1 - Review Dragon Hunt

This action packed fiction book is by the New York Times bestselling author Richard Knaak is filled with drama from the World of Warcraft video game.

The Tuesday Episode is Up at https://fh7publishing.podbean.com/ for FH7 Publishing Book Reviews check it out!

Premium Content Links: https://www.patreon.com/FH7publishingBookReviews

Sales: http://fh7publishing.com/

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve our publishing. Your generous donation will fund our mission to help advancing literacy, make more books, and podcasts. Paypal Donate Here: https://www.paypal.me/FH7publishing

Scary Book Reviews, Fiction Book Reviews, Science Fiction Book Reviews, Fitness Book Reviews, Cyber Punk, Cyberdelic, Gothic Podcast, Alternative Art, Gothic Literature, Psychedelic Art, Psychedelia, Book Reviews, Podcast Hints, Podcast Tips, 2020 Podcast, Podcast 2020, FH7 Publishing Book Reviews, #podcastmovement, #podcastersunite, #podcasters, #podcast, #podcastlove, #merchandise, #podcastnotes, #healthpodcast, #podcastersofinstagram

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Back to Posting

I am back to posting as many other online journals are dead as of this week. Blogger has its ups and downs, but it is still active after all this time.