Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Interview with Eddie Sept 2020


Originally published September 7th of 2020 by writer Andrea Menzies.

I interviewed screenwriter and guitarist Eddie Santiago about his latest movie project while in Austin, Texas this week. I flew to Texas to see old friends, and I was lucky to run into so many mid-pandemic.

Eddie showed off his latest two guitar purchases before the interview. He considers writing his greatest creative outlet, but has always liked using guitars in addition. 

“Practicing on the Rocksmith Remastered video game to learn guitar relaxes me.” Eddie said practicing with his latest guitar buy. This game is available on PC as well as PS4 Eddie plays on. https://rocksmith.ubisoft.com/rocksmith/en-us/home/ Eddie and I both met as we were both working at World of Warcraft’s Blizzard customer support. We both have Nintendo switch lite game players, and play many video games. Him playing another video game that day as I interviewed him did not surprise me. 

“What is your full name?” I asked him as I noticed Eddie may have been a nickname.

“Edward Santiago.” He said with a smile. 

“What is your favorite art to make and perform?” I then asked.

“I like guitar, but I have won the most awards in writing.” Eddie said.

“What first got you interested in music and books when you were a kid?” Due to this interview being for a book review podcast called “FH7 Book Reviews” on Podbean I tend to like to turn the conversation to book interests. 

“My father used to own a video rental store, and I would love to watch a lot of movies when I was a kid. That started my love of fiction in stories.” Eddie said. 

“How have books of fiction and science fiction had an impact on your art?” I asked next. 

“Fiction is one of my favorite formats to write in. One of my most loved fiction stories is of teddy bears fighting monsters in a child’s room.” Eddie said. 

“Do you like Science Fiction or Medieval Style fantasy better?” I then asked. 

“That is a good question. In my writing I like to take a more Medieval Style fiction approach.” Eddie then said. 

“What is the most important message you would like to leave with fans of your work with on the Internet?” I asked.

“Be open to new cultures and new ideas in your life.” Eddie said.

At the end of my interviews I usually like to ask people if they have any sales URLs they want me to post Eddie does not have any sales URLs on the in a traditional sense. He just asks that people go to see the movies he has written on Facebook. Movie promoters do the sales work for him in post-production. His latest movie in production has been delayed due to the pandemic crisis. Production will continue next year after the quarantine eases production restrictions. 

For more information on Eddie’s latest project checkout Facebook.com/Edward.Santiago.writer for more information.

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